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During the Modell's Black Friday sale, you will find deals on sporting goods, camping & outdoor gear, and athletic footwear plus they have 50% off all Champion and Adidas fleece. Modell's Black Friday sale this year is available online starting early in the morning on Thanksgiving Day. If you prefer to go to the store, Modell's will be opening their in-store locations at 6pm local time.
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While we don't have the Black Friday ad for Modells.com yet, below are some of their historical deals which will give you a good indication of what you can expect during this year's sale.
Modells' Black Friday event takes place in a few tiers. The best deals only last for two days from Thanksgiving thru Black Friday but other more sweeping offers will be good throughout the entire weekend. We expect to once again see at least 25% off most apparel determined by brand name but including Nike, Adidas, and Champion (with higher savings of up to 50% for those who shop early), 25% off all shoes and boots, flat rate pricing of $15/$20/$25/$30 for select family outerwear, 50% off select boxing equipment, and the best prices of the year on major fitness equipment.